General public
These subscriptions are for general public use only. If you are a local authority, association, event organizer or other business, please take a look at our subscriptions for professionals.


Search and consult routes
Creating a track from a gpx file or in manual mode
Available maps : OSM, ESRI, plan IGN
Customize the elevation profile
Personal dashboard
Display your track on your website
Quota of private tracks : 5
In Trail Connect app :
Available maps : Google, OpentopoMap, OpenStreetMap
Activity recording
Real-time geolocation

annual payment 15€/year

All Basic advantages
Pdf A4 printing
Route planner with IGN or OSM data
Display waytips
Multi-route display
Advanced edit tools (shortcut, crop...)
Sharing private tracks
Management with files
Customize A4 pdf file : landscape/portrait mode, with/without elevation profile
Quota of private tracks : 20
In Trail Connect app :
Monitoring alarm
Download maps for offline access : international maps (OpenSreetMap, OpenTopoMap)
Export GPX files

annual payment 34.8€/year

All Discover advantages
3D view
Available maps : all national maps (France, Switzerland, Belgium, Spain...)
Cratea multi-routes maps
Quota of private tracks : unlimited
In Trail Connect app :
Live tracking
Available maps : national maps (France, Belgium, Spain, Switzerland)
Download maps for offline access : all national maps
Monthly live tracking


Use with the Trail Connect app
Free for followers
Annual live tracking


Use with the Trail Connect app
Free for followers
Basic Discover
International maps OSM, ESRI OSM, ESRI, Opensnowmap OSM, ESRI, Mapbox, Opensnowmap
French IGN maps (available for all for official Premium Pro routes) Plan IGN Plan IGN, slope map Plan IGN, IGN maps, scan 25, slope map
Natonal maps (available for all for official Premium Pro routes) Switzerland, Spain, Belgium, Austria, Canada, USA, Norway, Poland, United Kingdom
Creating a track from a gpx file or in manual mode
Simple editing tools: modify the route point by point, reverse the direction of the route, return via the same route, loop the route
Route planner with IGN or OSM data
Create a route by importing an existing track
Advanced editing tools: Crope, shortcut a track
Premium editing tools: Move the starting point, save a portion of track as draft and stick it on an other track
View track anomalies (clusters of points, back-and-forth movements on the track) Pro subscription only
Duplicate a route Pro subscription only
Create alternative routes
Create sections
Add points of interest on your track
Nombre de points d'intérêt différents disponibles 11 51 51
Customize points of interest: color, number...
Import points of interest from another track
Duplicate a point of interest
Points of interest in the form of labels Pro subscription only
Points of interest spécial for volunteers management Pro subscription only
Display waytipes (path, trail, road, etc.). Sources: IGN (France) or OSM database
Change waytipes - possibility of updating waytipes on parth of the road if it's not right
Management of bridges / tunnels / ski lifts ( remove height differences)
Create a customised map : add tracks, polygons, points of interest
Altitude database available for calculating height differences IGN, ASTERGDEM IGN, ASTERGDEM IGN, ASTERGDEM, Google
Customize the elevation profile
Use predefined profile templates
Exportable profile size Small (300px) Medium (400px) Medium (400px)
Advanced customisation tools: add labels, optional texts, intermediate distances and elevation changes, add POI customize colors
Premium customisation tools: add sections, choice of elevation profile size
Use an other profile as template
3D view
View Streetview in a new window
View Streetview on the track Pro subscription only
View routes in full-screen mode
Pdf printing
Export gpx files
Quota of private tracks 5 20 Illimited
Sharing private tracks
Number of gpx downloads per day (excepted tracks owned by the user) 2 5 10
Number of gpx downloads per month 8 15 30
Download POI or download route + POI
Download in GeoJSON format (route + POI) Pro subscription only
Display your track on your website
Display a multi-routes personalised map on your website Pro subscription only
Maps available in iframe Plan IGN, OSM Plan IGN, OSM Plan IGN, OSM
Premium iframe : full screen mode, remove advertising Pro subscription only
International maps Google, OpentopoMap, OpenStreetMap Google, OpentopoMap, OpenStreetMap Google, OpentopoMap, OpenStreetMap, OpenCycleMap
French IGN maps - - Cartes IGN, Scan25 IGN, Plan IGN, Images aériennes, Cartes topo IGN
National maps - - Switzerland, Spain, Belgium
Search and view routes
Activity recording
Real-time geolocation
Monitoring alarm
Export gpx files
Download maps for offline access : OSM maps
Download maps for offline access : all national maps
Live tracking - includes notification of new positions, location on route
Management with filess
Possibility to add routes to favorites
Personal dashboard
Create and update an event in Trace de Trail calendar Pro subscription only
Trace de Trail's Communication pack : promotion of your race via Trace de Trail's social networks, an insert in our monthly newsletter and news on the home page of the website during 15 days Pro subscription only
If you have a question about subscriptions, check out the FAQ below !

Except for the monthly live tracking subscription, all other subscriptions are for one year. Renewal is automatic and will use the payment method you chose when you purchased the subscription.

You can switch from a Discover to a Premium subscription at any time. To do so, click on the Upgrade button on the subscriptions page.

With the release of the new Trace de Trail website, the subscription offer has been simplified for general public users.

Two formulas are now available:

  • Discover subscription, now replacing Trailer+ subscription
  • Premium subscription, now replacing Trailer Ultra subscription
If you had a Trailer + subscription with optional national maps (whether in France, Belgium, Switzerland or Spain), you switch to the Premium offer. If this offer is more expensive than your previous package, you won't pay anything extra until you renew your offer.

These subscriptions also offer you advantages on Trail Connect. Check them out in the comparative table!

You will find all the information concerning your subscription in your user profile, section My subscriptions.

You may at any time :

  • change your payment method,
  • upgrade from Discover to Premium
  • cancel your subscription.

Subscriptions to the Trace de Trail website and the Trail Connect mobile application are the same.

By subscribing to one or other of these platforms, you benefit from a common subscription that offers you functionalities on both interfaces.

Find out more about them in the subscription comparison table.

Here is the list of points of interest available with subscription or without subscription for the general public (more points of interest for pro / organizers).

The color and size of all points of interest can be customized.
